"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."

~Neale Donald Walsch~

Wednesday 11 April 2012

A fork in the road

You just never know where life will take you. Life is always so full of surprises. I am happy announce that I made it through term 1 without losing the plot or falling apart. I have thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of my new job and have spent the last week reflecting on all the things I have learnt. I am left wondering if I have learnt more than the students as this has been a massive term. As I haven't had the chance to blog in the last couple of weeks clearly I must work on my discipline with blogging. 

There has been many things that have happened in the last few weeks and I find myself yet again faced with a new dilemma. Many of you who have followed me since November last year will remember that I was very unsure where I was going with work this year. Last week my boss announced that the HSC will not be offered next year and so TAFE is going to promote their own version of HSC called TPC (Tertiary Preparation Certificate).

He has also suggested that we look into partial online components of the course to attract more students. This has sent my head into a bit of a spin. However, last Thursday I was able to go on a course and meet, Maria D'Angelo a fantastic trainer and a pioneer in online delivery. Unfortunately I won't be able to do the course but I now have a clear vision as to how this can be achieved. I am so excited about this prospect and it is taking up much time in my creative thoughts. 

On Saturday I was reading a SMH article http://www.smh.com.au/national/theres-a-greener-pasture-for-mothers-juggling-family-with-parttime-work-20120406-1wgtq.html about the organisation Chief Executive Women that gives part time women scholarships to develop leadership in business. I don't know if this would extend to developing online training. This got me thinking that I could endevour to learn all I can about online delivery in the hope of showing others how different technologies can be used for learning and engaging online delivery. Or... I am hoping maybe I can get some funding from TAFE to work on development for these new courses. I really see this as a wonderful opportunity to use my creative talents and engage with technology.

 Not sure where this will lead. Am jumping on board and see where the ride will take me. 

My desire to start my company has taken a back step off late however I have managed to have some consultation with the lovely Tracey and we are working on getting the logo right. Should be ready in the next few weeks. Am running another Twitter and Blogging workshop for teachers next Wednesday. Am really getting good at this one as I have run 5 training sessions on Twitter in the last term alone. 

Too many thoughts and not enough time. Anyway for this week's fav websites:
Teaching trends:

If you haven't got onto teaching channel then you must!

Poetry and the Mic: Absolutely love this idea

Poetry and Technology: This is a little gem. I'm definately using this in the next few week as we start Wilfred Owen poems for HSC.

Until next week,

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